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Most important is your desire to quit. 

No matter how much you smoke, or how long you have been smoking, the low level cold laser treatment is a safe and painless method to help you quit.

Only $225.00 plus taxes.  Senior, disability and corporate rates available.  In addition ask us about insurance coverage.


Live smoke free with our easy 2-step program.

Step One - the Action Laser treatment uses photo bio-stimulation in combination with auricular (ear) therapy points to break the physiological addiction to nicotine.

Step Two - Easy to Follow ground rules help you break through the psychological habit of smoking and establish new behavior patterns that support a permanent smoke free life.



Action Laser really cares.  Please understand, there is no such thing as a safe cigarette.

If you should experience any difficulty call, to use one of your 2 additional treatments, free.



Overview of Action Laser's Smoking Cessation Program


What:             Breaks the physiological addiction to nicotine.

Cost:              Includes the initial 45 minute treatment plus 2 follow up boosters if needed within the first 60 days.

Who:              Registered Healthcare Professionals.

Use:                Health Canada approved cold, low level, laser. Can't cut, burn or damage the skin.

where:            Mainly on the ear.  various trigger points throughout the body.  No withdrawal, no cravings, no weight gain, no pharmaceuticals.

Booster:          Binge eating, mood swings, anxiety/depression grief, or smoked.

Treatments:    Some need more than one.

Healthcare:     Covered by most major insurances (call for details).

Success:           Defined after not smoking for 60 days.

Will not administer to people who:

  1. have seizures/epilepsy
  2. 1st trimester of pregnancy
  3. have systemic cancer
  4. are undergoing treatment for cancer

Before treatment:   

  1. Empty any ashtrays
  2. Don't smoke 2 hours before hand
  3. Get rid of any last cigarettes


Changes That Take Place In Your Body When You Stop Smoking


Within 10 Minutes

bulletBlood pressure drops to normal
bulletPulse rate drops to normal rate
bulletBody temperature of feet and hands increase to normal

After 8 Hours

bulletCarbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
bulletOxygen level in blood increases to normal

After 24 Hours

bulletNerve endings start re-growing
bulletAbility to smell and taste is enhanced

After 72 Hours

bulletBronchial tubes relax, making breathing easier
bulletLung capacity increases
bulletLung function increases up to 30%

2 Week to 3 Months

bulletCirculation improves
bulletWalking becomes easier

3 Months to 9 Months

bulletCoughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decreases
bulletCilia re-grows in the lungs, cleaning the lungs and helping to reduce infection
bulletYour body's overall energy increases


Steps To Success For Supporting Your Lifestyle Change


bulletDo Not, I repeat, Do Not test your willpower by smoking :one cigarette or one puff:  It will not work.  You will start smoking again.  You cannot be a part time smoker.  Just one hint of nicotine in your system and your body will return to the habit.
bulletWash all ashtrays and put them away.
bulletClean your car, home and office thoroughly.  Suggestion:  use a professional cleaner for carpets, painted surfaces, drapery and clothing.
bullettalk with your friends, particularly non-smoking friends about how you quit smoking.
bulletBrisk Walk - increases cardiovascular levels and stimulates endorphin release
bulletMove - move from where you are, it breaks the tension and focus of the psychological urges.
bulletAvoid boredom, keep busy and focused.
bulletChange you routine, bread the mental ties for the next ten days.
bulletFor ten days avoid situations that make you want to smoke (e.g. sitting at the table after dinner TV watching).
bulletIf you have the urge to smoke, breathe deeply, drink water and go for a  walk.
bulletDo not forget why you quit smoking .  Remember if you get an urge to smoke, it will pass.



For more information on tobacco, its health effects and ways to overcome a tobacco addiction, talk to a doctor, nurse or pharmacist or visit www.infotobacco.com

Health Canada

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Last modified: 07/07/10